Share your opinion on the quality of winter maintenance in Tampere

With the winter now behind us, it is time to see how Tampere did in winter maintenance. Were you able to walk on the streets without accidents, and had slipping hazards been adequately prevented? Respond to the survey by 19 May 2024. The survey is also available in English.

How did the City do in ploughing and gritting the streets, cycling routes and pavements in your own neighbourhood during the winter? First select the maintenance area for which you wish to give feedback on the map in the survey. You can give feedback on more than one area if you want. 

Use the scale of 0–5 or free-form feedback

On a scale of 0–5, rate the quality of the routes and maintenance intervals, i.e. how quickly the routes were made drivable, cyclable or walkable.   You can also give free-form feedback and tell us what you think we should improve.  Grit removal is also part of winter maintenance, and you can share your opinion on that, too.

Take part in the gift card draw

Answering the survey is quick and easy, and at the end of the survey, there is a form that you can use to participate in a draw for gift cards.

The survey is conducted annually and the results are used to monitor and improve the quality of winter maintenance.  The results are reviewed with maintenance supervisors. Based on the feedback received in previous years, the timing of ploughing and the planning of ploughing routes have been developed, and various needs to combat slippery on cycling routes have been taken into account. 


Updated 8 May: The survey period was extended by one week, the new deadline for responses is 19 May instead of 12 May.


Further information

Lassi Jokinen
Tampereen kaupunki, kaupunkiympäristön palvelualue: Maintenance Engineer
040 131 9079
Antti Sorvali
Tampereen Infra Oy, Site engineer
041 731 0940
Text: Tarja Nikupaavo-Oksanen
Photos: Laura Happo
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